Computer Science Superheroes

Vinton Cerf

Vinton Cerf

Born June 23, 1943 Vinton Cerf is known as one of the fathers of the internet, He recieved a bachelors in mathmematics from Stanford, also a masters, and a doctorate from the University of California. Co-designer of the TCP/IP protocols ensuring end-to-end data delivery. Awarded the National Medal of Technology. Also a recipient of the Alan M. Turing award, and the highest civillian award The Presidential Medal of Freedom. Cerf now serves as vice president and chief Internet evangelist for Google at 80 years old.

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Timothy Berners - Lee

Timothy Berners-Lee

Berners - Lee born June 8th, 1955 grduated from Oxford with a first-class degree in physics. He created the World Wide Web and was a founder of the World Wide Web Consortium which creates standards for the World Wide Web. Also created the first web client and server at CERN. As a result of his hard work and dedication to the country Queen Elizabeth II knighted Lee herself. Lee is now a founder and president of the Open Data Institute at 68 years of age.

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Grace Hopper

Grace Hopper

Hopper was born December 9, 1906 graduated with a bachelors from Vassar College, and both a Masters and Ph.D. at Yale. She joined the Navy WAVES or Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Services in WWII. There she would work on the 1st ever large-scale automatic calculator titled Mark I. She even wrote the manuel on how to operate the machine. She'd go on to create one of the first compilers making it easier to create programs. It would translate different languages for computers to both run and understand it. She passed away at the age of 85 on January 1, 1992.

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